Dragana Dojcinovic

27. February 2024.

“AI CONNECT” workshops at STP NS

The third workshop of the “AI Connect” project, organized in partnership with the Center for Digital Transformation, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and the […]
23. February 2024.

“AI CONNECT” radionice u NTP NS

Uspešno završena treća radionica projekta „AI connect”, koju smo juče organizovali sa Centrom za digitalnu transformaciju uz partnerstvo Vlade Republike Srbije i Regionalne privredne komore Novi […]
22. February 2024.

NTP NS deo velikog evropskog Interreg projekta Danube Region DNA

Potpisan memorandum o zvaničnom početku Interreg projekta Danube Region DNA na Kick-Off konferenciji u Novom Sadu na kojoj su prisustvovali međunarodni i nacionalni predstavnici malih i […]
21. February 2024.

The STP NS is part of the large European Interreg project Danube Region DNA

A memorandum marking the official start of the Interreg project Danube Region DNA was signed at the Kick-Off conference in Novi Sad, attended by international and […]
21. February 2024.

Prikazan dokumentarni film o Nikoli Tesli koji su pravili gimnazijalci

U amfiteatru Naučno-tehnološkog parka Novi Sad prikazao se film Nikola Tesla koji su snimili učenici Gimnazije “Kreativno pero” iz Beograda uz podršku nastavnika i prijatelja škole. […]
19. February 2024.

A documentary film about Nikola Tesla made by high school students was showcased

In the amphitheater of the Novi Sad Science and Technology Park, a film about Nikola Tesla, created by students from the “Creative Pen” Gymnasium in Belgrade […]
13. February 2024.

The President of the Government of Republika Srpska and the President of the Provincial Government of AP Vojvodina visited STP NS

Today, the President of the Government of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, and the President of the Provincial Government, Igor Mirović, visited the Novi Sad Science and […]
2. February 2024.

Prvi virtuelni član u NTP NS – GapApp

Primljen naš prvi virtuelni član u NTP NS! GapApp, britanska kompanija koja ima istraživačko-razvojni centar u Novom Sadu i čija inovativna platforma predstavlja revolucionarni pristup težeći ka […]
2. February 2024.

The first virtual member of NTP NS – GapApp

We’ve welcomed our first virtual member to NTP NS! 😊🤝 ✅ GapApp, a British company with a research and development center in Novi Sad, whose innovative […]