About us

Science and Technology park Novi Sad was founded by the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in order to provide support to its members and commercialize innovative products and services with the aim of accelerated development and more efficient application of new technologies.

Members of STP Novi Sad can be technological companies engaged in innovative activities, startup companies and startup teams, as well as research and development institutes.

Why STP Novi Sad

Through its mission, STP Novi Sad is focused on creating a stimulating environment in which the state administration, the academic community and companies, through joint work and support for innovation and entrepreneurship, improve the development and commercialization of products and services, as well as the transfer of technology, thereby contributing to the transformation of the domestic economy and an improvement in the overall quality of life.

The location of the Park within the University campus, and especially its physical connection with the Faculty of Technical Sciences, represents a great advantage of the  primarily due to the possibility of direct access to the scientific and research infrastructure, as well as quick and easy communication with scientific research centers and the community of researchers and professors at the University, working on their projects.

About us

The Science and Technology park Novi Sad was founded by the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in order to provide support to its members and commercialize innovative products and services with the aim of accelerated development and more efficient application of new technologies.

Members of STP Novi Sad can be technological companies engaged in innovative activities, startup companies and startup teams, as well as research and development institutes.


Your ideas - our resources.


We are the point where the company's experience, start-up energy and the latest scientific achievements meet.


Feel the power of new knowledge.


Organize your events, join the events of the innovative community.


We nurture Start-up from idea to realization.


Start and develop your business.


Develop your ideas at the University campus.


A place of great ideas. Join us. Join us.


Possibility of employment with members of NTP Novi Sad

Mission and vision

The mission of the STP Novi Sad is to connect science and economy, aid in the further development of companies and talents, in the field of technological development, as well as to create conditions for the establishment and development of a larger number of startup companies.

The role of the Naučno-tehnološki park Novi Sad is to participate in the creation of conditions for the development of an economy based on knowledge and innovations created during the research and development process, promoting the export of products and services with added value.

We are open to everyone who wants to participate in the creation of a dynamic high-tech community, creating additional value for the development of their business, as well as for the development of entrepreneurship in Serbia.

Articles about us

  • Knowledge sharing is an important part of our company culture, because we believe that it is a significant factor in the growth of both our company and the community within which we operate. As a member of NTP, we have the opportunity to be part of an ecosystem that, with its proactive and innovative approach, contributes to the faster development of the domestic economy, as well as enabling us to feel the pulse of new generations and see how we can support and encourage them when starting their careers.
    Maja Božić – chief marketing and sales officer
    Vega IT
  • Deljenje znanja je važan deo naše kompanijske kulture, jer verujemo da je to značajan faktor rasta i razvoja kako naše kompanije tako i zajednice u kojoj poslujemo. Kao članica NTP-a imamo mogućnost da budemo deo ekosistema koji svojim proaktivnim i inovativnim pristupom doprinosi bržem razvoju domaće privrede, kao i da osetimo puls novih generacija i uvidimo na koji način možemo da ih podržimo i ohrabrimo pri započinjanju karijere.
    Maja Božić - partner i Glavni rukovodilac prodaje i marketinga
    Vega IT
  • We see NTP as a platform to bring together the 3Lateral team and the community, researchers, creators and educators." NTP is more than a space, we also appreciate the support of the entire NTP team, we organize joint activities and facilitate the exchange of knowledge with the University.
    Adam Kovač - specialist / expert for solutions
  • NTP vidimo kao platformu za okupljanje 3Lateral tima i zajednice istraživaca, kreatora i edukatora. NTP je više od prostora, cenimo i podršku celog NTP tima, zajedno organizujemo aktivnosti i omogućavamo razmenu znanja sa univerzitetom.
    Adam Kovač - specijalista / ekspert za rešenja
  • Our company develops software platforms to solve some of the most significant and attractive challenges of today. NTP is a new perfect place for the implementation of projects, a synonym for great cooperation with students and a house that will further connect us with scientific and research institutions.
    Marko Đuković - director of business development
    Schneider Electric
  • Naša kompanija se bavi razvojem softverskih platformi za rešavanje nekih od najznačajnijih i najatraktivnijih izazova današnjice. NTP je naše novo savršeno mesto zа realizaciju projekata, sinonim za sjajnu saradnju sa studentima i kuća koja će nas dodatno povezati sa naučno-istraživačkim institucijama.
    Marko Djuković - direktor za poslovni razvoj
    Schneider Electric
  • NORMA GROUP, as the leading global leader in the field of fastener and connector technologies, recognized the importance of cooperation with the Naučno-tehnološki park. Proximity to the university, better cooperation with the teaching staff, as well as an inspiring work environment are just some of the reasons why NORMA GROUP chose the Naučno-tehnološki park and in so doing improved its corporate image.
    Paval Satan - general manager
    NORMA Group
  • NORMA Group, kao vodeći svetski lider u oblasti tehnologija spona i spojnica, prepoznala je značaj saradnje sa Naučno – tehnološkim parkom. Blizina univerziteta, bolja saradnja sa nastavnim osobljem, kao i inspirativno radno okruženje samo su neki od razloga što je NORMA Group odabrala Naučno – tehnološki park i tako unapredila svoj korporativni imidž.
    Pavel Satan - generalni direktor
    NORMA Group
  • The advantages of NTP membership for our company are multiple. In addition to excellent infrastructure, professional support on tasks associated with running a business, as well as the presence of other startup companies with whom we can exchange experiences and ideas, on a daily basis, the location and quality of the NT Park building is completely in line with our strategy for running a business at a high professional level, from the very beginning.
    Luka Strezoski – director of Reload Energy Shot
    Reload Energy Shot
  • Prednosti članstva u NT Parku za našu kompaniju su višestruke. Pored odlične infrastrukture, profesionalne podrške u pratećim obavezama pri vođenju biznisa, kao i prisustva drugih startup kompanija sa čijim predstavnicima možemo na dnevnom nivou da razmenjujemo iskustva i ideje, sama lokacija i kvalitet zgrade NT Parka je potpuno u skladu sa našom strategijom vođenja biznisa na visoko profesionalnom nivou, od samog početka
    Luka Strezoski - PLuka Strezoski - direktor kompanije Reload Energy Shot h.D. Director, Reload Energy Shot.
    Reload Energy Shot
  • The advantages of membership in NTP are multiple. Originally, it was networking, both with other startup companies and companies from the industry. There is also timely information about the latest calls and programs that are of interest to us which allow us to develop our business and open up new opportunities. And finally, there is that inescapable sense of community. A large number of startups and development companies that work and act towards the same goal - constant improvement and development.
    Miloš Milašinović - director and co-founder
  • Prednosti članstva u NTP-u su višestruka. Prvobitno je networking, kako sa ostalim startup kompanijama, tako i sa fimama iz industrije. Takođe, tu je blagovremeno informisanje o najnovijim pozivima i programima koji su nam od interesa kako bismo razvili naše poslovanje i otvorili nove mogućnosti. I na kraju, tu je taj nezaobilazni osećaj zajednice. Veliki broj startup i razvojnih kompanija koje rade i delaju ka istom cilju - konstantnom unapređenju i razvoju.
    Miloš Milašinović - su-osnivač firme i direktor.
  • Naučno-tehnološki park is a place which puts an emphasis on three areas that complement each other perfectly and that are very important for business - knowledge, science and economy. If we know this indisputable fact, it is clear why it is important for a modern IT company like LANACO to be part of NTP.
    Aleksandar Radinović - director and manager for Serbia
  • Naučno-tehnološki park je mesto u kome se odlično nadopunjavaju tri oblasti jako bitne za biznis, znanje, nauka i ekonomija. Ako znamo tu neospornu činjenicu, jasno je zašto je jednoj modernoj IT kompaniji kao što je LANACO, važno biti deo NTP-a.
    Aleksandar Radinović - direktor i menadžer za Srbiju
  • Being a part of NTP offers an inexhaustible flow of fresh information on current startup funds as well as participation in courses and workshops regarding modern technologies and the like." Through internal and external events within the park, you contribute to networking, the exchange of experience, and by attending current events, you improve both your personal and your own business development.
    Dejan Popović - representative
    RealEye Digital
  • Biti deo NTP-a nudi neiscrpni priliv svežih informacija o aktuelnim startup fondovima, učešće na kursevima, radionicama na temu modernih tehnologija i slično. Kroz interne i eksterne događaje u okviru parka doprinosite umrežavanju, razmeni iskustava, a prisustvom aktuelnostima unapređujete delom kako lični tako i razvoj sopstvenog biznisa.
    Dejan Popović - Zastupnik
    RealEye Digital
  • NTP is above all the right place for innovative companies. The biggest advantage is reflected in the fact that membership in NTP gives you the opportunity to meet and establish contact with a large number of representatives of companies, institutions and potential future clients. Through its activity, NTP provides the necessary support to young companies.
    Miodrag Miodragović – One of the three founders
    Terra Controlling TMD
  • Biti deo NTP je pre svega pravo mesto za inovativne kompanije. Najveća prednost se ogleda u činjenici da članstvom u NTP-u dobijate priliku da upoznate i ostvarite kontakte sa velikim brojem predstavnika kompanija, insititucija i eventualnih budućih klijenata. NTP svojom aktivnošću pruža neophodnu podršku mladim kompanijama
    Miodrag Miodragović - Jedan od 3 osnivača
    Terra Controlling TMD
  • As one of the startup members, our past work with the park has allowed us to experience the numerous advantages and benefits of that cooperation. NTP enabled us to network with other members in addition to giving us an office and the possibility of using additional work space. We attended various conferences and fairs where we had the opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with potential clients and students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. This type of support is extremely important for young companies, we hope for even more interesting content and events in the coming period.  
    Nikola Marković – CEO
    NS Drafter
  • Kao jedna od start-up članica, kompanija NS Drafter je u dosadašnjem radu sa parkom uvidela mnoge prednosti i benefite saradnje. Pored ustupanja kancelarije i mogućnosti korišćenja ostalih radnih prostorija poput konferencijskih sala i amfiteatra, Naučno tehnološki park nam je omogućio da se umrežimo sa ostalim Start-up kompanijama koje su takođe članice. Prisustvovali smo raznim konferencijama i sajmovima gde smo imali priliku da se upoznamo i razmenimo iskustva kako sa potencijalnim klijentima, tako i sa studentima Fakulteta tehničkih nauka. Mladim kompanijama je ovakav vid podrške od ogromne važnosti, nadamo se još zanimljivijem sadržaju i događajima i u narednom periodu.  
    Nikola Marković - generalni direktor
    NS Drafter
  • The premises, location and service provided by NTP Novi Sad facilitates the activities of startups, at an early stage for market and business development, allowing them to remain focused on the development of their own products and services while enjoying the added value of their participation in an innovative business ecosystem.
    Milan Plavšić - director
  • Prostorije, lokacija i usluge NTP-a Novi Sad olakšavaju aktivnosti startapova u ranoj fazi za razvoj tržišta i poslovanja, omogućavajući im da ostanu fokusirani na razvoj sopstvenih proizvoda i usluga, dok uživaju u dodatoj vrednosti svog učešća u inovativnom ekosistemu poslovanja.
    Milan Plavšić - Direktor

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